GRAEF Rechtsanwälte News



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See you. At Hamburg Games Conference 2020. Powered by GRAEF Rechtsanwälte


“Produzentenfrühstück” @ Filmfest Hamburg


Producer’s breakfast on the occasion of Filmfest Hamburg on the topic “Can the financial success of films be predicted?” – powered by GRAEF Rechtsanwälte and Filmförderung Hamburg-Schleswig Holstein. Thanks to Professor Dr. Hennig-Thurau for these exciting insights.


Series Lab 2019


Always worth a trip for film producers. We are pleased to have been there again this year in a supporting role.

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gamescom 2019


gamescom 2019 has started. At the European Summit of the Video Game Bar Association (VGBA), which takes place in Cologne as part of gamescom, numerous lawyers from all over Europe discuss the challenges of the games industry every year. Our expert for games law, Dr. Christian Rauda, is among them.

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EPI Survival of the Fittest: Distribution contract


When it comes to financing and exploiting films, you have to rely on professionals. A good “distribution” is an important component of a successful exploitation chain. Our seminar on the distribution contract on November 12 in the “Survival of the Fittest” program of the Erich Pommer Institut.

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“Die Olchis”


Welcome to the world, you movie “Olchis”. What a long and crowning journey, we were happy to be by your side.

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Cannes Film Festival 2019


Once again GRAEF Rechtsanwälte hosted their annual Film Producer Lunch at Cannes Film Festival 2019. This years topic was: “The consequences of the EU copyright reform for the audiovisual sector in Europe”. We got a little bit distracted by the view though. Thank you to our co-hosts Wiggin LLP (Uk), Aturquoise (France), M&R Europe (Italy).


Hamburg Games Conference 2019

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MLRC’s 5th Annual European Media Lawyers Conference on June 3, 2019 in Berlin


Come and join us for this years European Media Lawyers Conference in Berlin powered by GRAEF Rechtsanwälte. A full-day of interactive discussion on comparative issues in privacy law, personality rights etc

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Hamburg Games Conference celebrates 10th anniversary on February 26, 2019.

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e:course | Key Agreements for Film and TV powered by GRAEF Rechtsanwälte


This e:training will guide you through the different key agreements and will help you to navigate this complex area! Gain theoretical knowledge and hands-on tools.

To e:course



German Developer Award for Computer Games 2018


At the German Developer Award for Computer Games 2018 in Cologne it rained prizes for our clients again. Congratulations, Daedalic Entertainment, Mimimi Productions UG, Paintbucket Games UG and Mixtvision Digital!

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T1TAN ./. Kahn


In the matter of Oliver Kahn vs. T1TAN GmbH, the exciting question before the LG Munich this week was what happens when a nickname that has been attributed to one by the media for past achievements is opposed by a registered Union trademark. If we have understood correctly, Oliver Kahn believes he is still the only titan to be associated with soccer for all time, despite his career ending in 2008. We don’t see it that way. Titans come and go. For centuries.

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T1TAN ./. Kahn


Is Oliver Kahn a titan? And if so, is he THE titan? On Tuesday, Kahn’s nickname will be heard before the Munich Regional Court. Then we will prove for our client, the company T1TAN, among other things, why Kahn was never “the Titan” but at most “one among many Titans” and that only ever in descriptive form, namely as “Goalkeeper Titan” or “Goal Titan”. There is nothing for Oliver Kahn to monopolize. Jura at its best.

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American Film Market 2018


American Film Market 2018: You’ve got to love the energy of this place. Paying visits to Hulu, Amazon Studios and Netflix – amazing how they have changed the film industry.


future!publish 2019


The future!publish 2019 will take place on January 24/25, 2019 in Berlin. GRAEF Rechtsanwälte will be there. Our specialist Dr. Ralph Oliver Graef will give the 2019 annual update on the law of e-books and electronic publishing.

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The ALDI Brothers


Primetime on October 22, 2018 on ARD: One of the current projects of our film team. The drama about the ALDI Brothers. Very worth seeing.

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Producer Breakfast @ Filmfest Hamburg


Producer Breakfast on the occasion of the Filmfest Hamburg powered by GRAEF Rechtsanwälte in cooperation with Filmförderung Hamburg-Schleswig Holstein and Team Medien der Commerzbank AG: “The new collective agreements for film and TV professionals and actors – a practical test: What applies? What’s still to come?”

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Pippi Longstocking


Interesting landmark case about the lyrics of the well-known Pippi Longstocking song written by Astrid Lindgren. In the original Swedish it is called “Här kommer Pippi Långstrump” and in German “Hey, Pippi Longstocking”. Pretty close to the original? That’s what Astrid Lindgren’s heirs think, and so do we. That’s why we’re now fighting for Pippi Longstocking at the Hamburg Regional Court.

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GRAEF Rechtsanwälte @ gamescom 2018


What an energy, what a success story games are, what a demand from the customer. We are very happy to be part of the games industry.


European Media Lawyers Conference in Berlin powered by GRAEF Rechtsanwälte


Our expert Dr. Ralph Oliver Graef elaborating on the topic „How copyright law may block news coverage“ together with Dr. Jan Tolkmitt (Landgericht Hamburg) and Adam Cannon (The Sun, London).

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Gruenderkompass Recht 05 2018

Founders’ Compass Law


For the seventh time, the Founders’ Compass Law, initiated by us, took place at Bucerius Law School. Great students and motivated founders spent an exciting day with us on the topics of media law, corporate law, tax law and employment law. Due to the great demand, the Founders’ Compass Law will take place again in 2019. We are delighted with the excellent response.

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Producer’s Festival 2018


Sensational atmosphere on the Spree.

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Producers’ Breakfast


Review in the magazine Filmecho on the “Producers’ Breakfast” which GRAEF Rechtsanwälte organized together with Filmförderung Hamburg-Schleswig-Holstein and the Media Team of Commerzbank.

Quo Vadis Logo

Review of Quo Vadis


Avoid legal pitfalls, ask us???

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Hamburg Games Conference 2018 at Titelschutzanzeiger

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Producers’ Breakfast


We are happy about a very successful Producers’ Breakfast yesterday together with Filmförderung Hamburg-Schleswig Holstein and the Commerzbank Media Team. The place was packed and the audience was enthusiastic.

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ALDI. A german story


Neues Projekt unseres Filmteams. Nach Anne Frank, Uli Hoeneß und Beate Zschäpe nun die Aldi Brüder im Fokus. Biopics haben Konjunktur.

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105961140 Schloss Neuschwanstein Bier Darf Weiter Seinen Namen Tragen 1bk4wd7ng

“Neuschwansteiner” not a geographical indication of origin for beer. Congratulations to our client for this important victory.


The Higher Regional Court of Munich (Case No. 29 U 885/17) has ruled in proceedings brought by the Zentrale zur Bekämpfung unlauteren Wettbewerbs (Central Office for Combating Unfair Competition) against “The world of Neuschwansteiner Holding” from Bavaria that the use of the trademark “Neuschwansteiner” for a beer that is not brewed at Neuschwanstein Castle does not constitute a misleading commercial act within the meaning of Section 5 (1) Sentence 2 No. 1 UWG and Section 3a UWG, Article 7 (1) lit. a of Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011 ).

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